SOS – Save Our Spire!

Please will you be kind enough to fill in our Community Survey and return it to our vicar via email to [email protected]

We are applying to various grant making bodies including the Community Ownership Fund for money for some urgent work needed to our spire, roof and internal decoration – see photos. We need to show them how important this church is to our Baxenden community by getting feedback from local residents.

We host a choir, yoga classes, the school for concerts, services and daily Breakfast and After School Clubs. We are used as a polling station, have been used by businesses for commercial events and by local families for children’s parties.

We recently had a funeral for a very well known local family and four times a year we host a Baptism workshop for those wanting to get their children baptised here. We remember those who gave their lives for us at the Cenotaph each year and our Christmas, Harvest and Easter services are well attended.

If you were one of those who has come to a Messy Church, one of our Easter or Christmas parties, got married here, or visited someone in the graveyard, please fill our Community Survey!

God bless, Amanda (the Vicar)