Do You BELIEVE This!
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JohnPaul Parish Calendar
How can we, help you, fulfil YOUR ministry?
Hi - we are a friendly Anglican Parish with two churches: St Paul’s (closer to the town centre) and St John’s (on the outskirts of Accrington). Having recently merged – and welcomed our new vicar Amanda - we are enthusiastic to see the Kingdom of God grow in both our church family and our local community
We are very much a community oriented and loving church, passionate to continue building our church family through prayer, a love for God, and a genuine desire to be involved in the community we all feel called to serve. We hold on to a real hope that with God’s help and guidance, we can be the people He wants us to be, in and around Accrington. Every person is important to, and valued by God, and as such, they are valued by and important to us
Do You BELIEVE This!
It was just February 24 when we met for our Vision Day at Whalley Abbey and it was there we dreamed dreams for the future of JohnPaul Parish and put some key markers in place. As a result of the Vision Day, we developed a Vision Statement with some follow up actions under the headings of Community Presence, Leadership Gifts and Talents, Prayer, Family Engagement, Being one Church, Welcome and how to include new people, Not dwelling in the past and Visibility of the PCC and decisions. See below for a reminder of our Vision statement and please see the…
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Dear JohnPaul Family Moving towards Christmas It has been a while since I have written as I seem to have been dealing with quite a few difficult issues in the life of the church. These have taken up an excessive amount of time and I am sorry that I might not have been as visible recently. If you ever need to catch up with me, do email or text me as I love to meet up for a brew! Remembrance Day Last weekend we remembered those who fought and died for us in war and conflict. I was asked to…
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Dear Friends Summer seems to have gone so fast, in fact, I am not even sure it even arrived! Rich and I returned at the end of August from 10 days of torrential rain in Keswick. We were working with 14 young people all wanting to become young Christian leaders. Rich helped them to understand their personality and I helped them to lead services. We both cooked up a storm each day and we were so blessed to spend time with such amazing young folk. The first week of school was quiet as my schools geared up to being back…
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